News Archive - July August September 2019
Many  previous items are archived in the Community, Arts, Sports and Business sections

Could You Help Shape The Future Of Wick High Street?
Wick Street Design
Wickers are being given the chance to help transform their High Street into a more vibrant, accessible and a welcoming place for everyone to spend time in, as part of the Town Centre Regeneration. The Wick Street Design project is being delivered by Sustrans Scotland in partnership with The Highland Council, Royal Burgh of Wick Community Council and Local Councillors. Local residents, business and community groups are invited to drop in to the Highland Council Offices between 2:00 and 6:00pm on Thursday 17th October 2019 to find out more about the project. There will also be refreshments as well as child-friendly activities. There also will be an evening session between 7:00-9:00pm at the Pulteney Centre.
New Advice Service For Parents Carers and Children
Just Ask

innogy Launches Flexible Wind Farm Fund To Increase Employment Potential
Training Grants
· Bad á Chẹ Wind Farm Education & Training Fund created to benefit local residents.
· £133,250 fund per annum now open for applications from residents and community groups.
Following extensive local consultation on the use of the renewables community fund associated with Bad á Chẹ Wind Farm, innogy Renewables UK is delighted that local community councils have agreed to increase its flexibility by distributing the monies not only to community groups but also to individual residents for the purposes of increasing their employment potential. Now open for applications, the Bad á Chẹ Wind Farm Community Fund, valued at £133,250 per annum and index linked to the Retail Price Index (RPI), will enable the funding of local community projects as well as bursaries to access training and education opportunities for individuals living within the community council areas of Latheron, Lybster & Clyth, Halkirk District and Watten.
Community Projects Benefit Over £80k In CNS Fund Latest Funding
Seven community projects are to benefit from over £80k of funding following the Caithness & North Sutherland Fund's latest grant awards. CNSFund Chairperson David Glass said "Our latest funding includes improvements to youth activities, community and recreational facilities as well as progressing an ambitious project to establish a major visitor attraction in Caithness. We are pleased to have received a good level of applications and we continue to encourage community groups to come forward with proposals that will enhance the Caithness & North Sutherland area."
Wick Indoor Market First Day Success
Wick Indoor Market 7 September 2019Wick Indoor Market
The First Saturday of the trial Indoor Market in the foyer of the Caithness Council offices in Wick was a great success.  Three more Saturdays will see a different variety of stalls.  The venture is part of the Wick's community council activities to try to increase footfall in the town centre.

Dounreay Apprentices Celebrate Completion Of Training Scheme
Dounreay Apprentices complete training
Seven Dounreay apprentices have received their indenture certificates at a special event to mark the successful conclusion of their 4-year training programme. The latest group ‘graduating' joined the company in 2015 - the 60th year apprentices had been part of the workforce at Dounreay and the first time in more than a decade that design office apprentices had been recruited.

A Life Time Of Adventures In Glass - Solo Exhibition By Denis Mann
Denis Mann solo exhibition until 4 October 2019Denis Mann Exhibition until 4 October 2019
Currently on at North Lands Creative in Lybster, Caithness " A Life Time of Adventures in Glass" a solo exhibition by renowned Caithness artist and craftsman, Denis Mann. This retrospective collection features highly regarded works spanning Denis' accomplished career. Denis joined Caithness Glass in 1970 where he worked for many years as an artist, designer and engraver. Today Denis works as an independent artist and engraver at his studio in Wick. Among Denis's many accolades, he is perhaps most acclaimed for his work designing and engraving the Master Mind Trophy.
Action and Adventure For Young People With Air Cadets In Caithness
Air Training
If you're a fan of aviation, action and adventure, love sports and getting to know people then you're in the right place. Every year nearly 56,000 air cadets and volunteer staff take part in exciting events all over the country. And with over 1,000 squadrons across the UK, you could be one of them.

A Warm Highland Welcome For Probationer Teachers
New Highland Probationer Teachers 2019
One hundred and seventeen (117) probationer teachers were recently welcomed to Highland at an Induction course held at Millburn Academy in Inverness. The probationer teachers' induction day is the first of a number of professional learning events throughout the year specifically arranged to support probationer teacher induction and their ongoing professional learning.

Black Saturday Anniversary Flotilla of Boats At Wick Bay  - Photos
Black Saturday was, as reported at the time, a ‘fearful calamity'. In Wick Bay, alone, some 37 fishermen lost their lives, with countless more perishing around the coasts. Black Saturday, tragedy as it was, only accounts for a small proportion of the total numbers of seafarers lost to the sea along the Caithness coasts, over the decades. To recognise and remember all those seafarers who lost their lives, a Seafarers Memorial Group has been established with the aim of designing and erecting an appropriate memorial that will provide a lasting place of remembrance. 40 boats sailed out with the flotilla into Wick Bay where wreaths were laid.

Public Warned Of Algal Bloom Presence At Loch Watten, Caithness
The Highland Council is warning the public of the presence of an algal bloom at Loch Watten, Caithness, following an examination of sample water on Monday (12/08/19). As a precautionary measure, environmental health have posted notices next to the water body, warning that contact with the algal scum or material should be avoided. Adjoining landowners and fishing interests have been advised of the situation as have NHS Highland and SEPA.

Archaeology Dig to start at Iron Age site in Caithness
The University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute,
in partnership with the Yarrows Heritage Trust, are preparing for a fourth season of excavation at the Burn of Swartigill in Thrumster, Caithness, Scotland. Previous seasons of excavation at the site have uncovered a complex of Iron Age structures, which are providing an important window into Iron Age society away from the monumental architecture of the Brochs.  The 2019 excavations commence on 19th of August and will continue until 8th of September. The site is located near Thrumster House, a few miles south of Wick......Tours are available and the archaeologists will be on site every day of the week between Monday 19th and Thursday 29th of August 2019. The excavation will then continue from Tuesday 3rd of September until Sunday 8th of September 2019. Volunteers are welcome and you don't need any archaeological experience to take part. Contact [email protected] for more information or arrive on the day!
Black Saturday Anniversary Flotilla of Boats At Wick Bay
Black Saturday
Black Saturday
was, as reported at the time, a ‘fearful calamity'. In Wick Bay, alone, some 37 fishermen lost their lives, with countless more perishing around the coasts. Black Saturday, tragedy as it was, only accounts for a small proportion of the total numbers of seafarers lost to the sea along the Caithness coasts, over the decades. To recognise and remember all those seafarers who lost their lives, a Seafarers Memorial Group has been established with the aim of designing and erecting an appropriate memorial that will provide a lasting place of remembrance. Black Saturday, so named, happened on the morning of Saturday 19th August 1848 when the scale of the tragedy became obvious. The boats left as usual on the Friday afternoon but by the evening, the beginnings of a colossal storm became evident. Many of the boats began to head for home but in the early hours of the morning the severity of the storm caused boats to crash against each other as they tried to gain the mouth of the harbour. By way of remembrance of those lost during Black Saturday, and the many more seafarers lost over the years, the Seafarers Memorial Group, along with others, have organised a commemorative wreath laying ceremony on Sunday 18th August 2019. From 2pm on Sunday 18th August 2019 a flotilla of boats, led by the Isabella Fortuna will leave Wick Harbour and assemble in Wick Bay where a wreath will be laid in the waves.
Lottie Steam Drifter WK15 model givn to Wick Heritage Museum
An unique ship from the 'golden era' of Wick's herring catching and food-processing industries has 'sailed back' to her home-port, over 70 years since she ceased having a prominent role at Wick Harbour. A fine model of the Wick steam drifter Lottie (WK 15) has been bequeathed to The Wick Society by the family of late Mr Jack Slorach, who served for decades at the school dentist for the county of Sutherland. Lottie is unique in being the only stream drifter built at Wick that went on to spend her entire 40-year career based at the Caithness port. Mr Slorach was a keen collector of model ships and other antiques at his home in Golspie.
Wick Players Invite You To A Script Reading Of Aladdin To Pick The Cast of Aladdin
wick Players invite adults and children to a scipt reading for Aladdin
Christmas is coming and preparations are already getting underway at Wick Players for this years pantomime.  If you would like to take part then go along to the Clubrooms in Moray Street,Wick on 20th August at 7.00pm.

Wind Farms and Other Community Funders in Caithness Listings
Recently we have been building a listing of communcity grant funders available to Caithness organisations.  Just added are the Achlachan Wind Farm Fund and the Achlachan Mini Fund.  The funders all have different criteria and boundary areas but at least you can now quickly find the web sites for all the information and application forms all in one place.  If anyone know of other funders not yet in our listing please send details to [email protected] to add to the listing.
Mey Highland Games Secures Major Sponsorship Deal With Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
The Mey Highland Games has agreed received a major sponsorship package totalling £15k with from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), the executive non-departmental public body responsible for the safe clean-up of the UK's earliest nuclear sites. NDA is a major contributor to the economy of Caithness, which is home to Dounreay, and Mey Highland Games is the latest local organisation to benefit from NDA support.
Mey Games at John O'Groats Saturday 3rd August 2019 10.00am - 4.00pm.
Wick Gala 2019 - Children's Fancy Dress
Wick Gala 2019 - Children's Fancy DressWick Gala 2019 - Children's Fancy DressWick Gala 2019 - Childrens Fancy DressWick Gala 2019 - Children's Fancy DressWick Gala 2019 - Children's Fancy Dress

New Funding Opportunities in the Community Pages

John O'Groat Mill Trust Wins £1,000 Movement For Good award
The John O'Groats Mill Trust has won a £1,000 Movement for Good award thanks to nominations from the public. The John O'Groats Mill Trust was nominated to win a £1,000 boost as part of specialist insurer Ecclesiastical's Movement for Good awards , which is giving £1million to charities this summer. Members of the public were invited to nominate causes close to their hearts, with 500 gifts of £1,000 available for donation. The John O'Groats Mill Trust was one more than 7,000 charities which were nominated by an amazing 98,000 members of the public to be in for a chance to win a financial boost.

Another Batch of Wick Gala 2019 Photos Thanks To Alistair Sinclair
Wick Gala 2019Wick Gala 2019Wick Gala 2019Wick Gala 2019Wick Gala 2019

We are happy to add any other photos if you would like to add to the gallery.  
Just email them to [email protected]
Halkirk Highland Games 2019
Halkirk Highland Games 2019Halkirk Highland Games 2019Halkirk Highalnd Games 2019Halkirk Highland Games 2019Halkirk highland Games 2019 - Baby Show winner

Wick Gala 2019  - 400 Photos
Wick Gala 2019Wick Gala 2019Wick Gala 2019Wick Gala 2019

Rare Bird In Caithness - Pink or Rose Coloured Starling
Rose Colured Starling - Rae Bird visits Caithness 25 July 2019
Spotted by crofters Stephen and Susan Cox on Thursday 25th July 2019 was a rare visitor to Roster in Caithness. "A pink starling aka the Rosy Coloured Starling is staying on our croft."

Living Well Event - Book Now 
Living Well Event 11 September 2019 at Nucleus, Wick
11 September 2019 - The Nucleus, Wick
If you are living with any long term condition in the Highland area this event is for YOU! Specialist talks on Self Management, Living with Fatigue, Pain Management and Hope will be available via video link to all venues. Exhibitors at each venue will offer you the opportunity to find out more about local services.

Looking Back - July 2009   Wick Gala 2003   July 2005   Thurso Gala 2003   County Show 2003
Caithness Folk Oil Photos 2005 -
Can any of you send recent oil related photos to show where you work in the world.

A great chance to see what the junior Thurso  Players havebeen learning at the workshops in recent months.

The McDonald Collection - Wick photo exhibition
Janet Mcdoanld photo exhibition Wed 31st July 2019
HUNDREDS of photographs of Wick life spanning more than half a century are to go on show during the town's gala week. They will form an exhibition called The McDonald Collection being held at the St Fergus Church Hall for one day only on Wednesday, 31st July 2019. On display will be more than 450 prints from the archives of McDonald Photographers, the family business in Shore Lane run for many years by Janet McDonald and her late husband Ian. There will be a mix of black-and-white and colour photographs taken at community events, special occasions and other assignments covered by the McDonalds in Wick and district from around 1950 until the early 2000s.

Sunday Family Fun Day Events 28th July
Spoilt for choice with two family fun events   Dunnet Bay     Rumster Forest     So get the kids out for the day.

Adaptive athletes aiming to smash world records at Mey Highland Games
Mey Highland Games 3 August 2019
FOLLOWING last year's new World Records, athletes from around the world are preparing to raise the bar even higher. In 2018 Mey Highland Games became Scotland's first ever Para Highland Games. Athletes from Help for Heroes, Uncle Sam's Highlanders and Lothian Disability Sport attending the 2019 Games. Pioneering Games secures support of the Duke of Windsor's Invictus Foundation. Competitors from around the world are in training to attend the Mey Highland Games 2019, including adaptive athletes from across the UK, the United States and Australia.
SATURDAY 3rd AUGUST 2019  10.00AM - 4.00PM

Caithness County Show 2019 - Saturday Photos Start HERE
Caithness County Show 2019
Hundreds of photos now added to the gallery including mosot of the days happenings - horses, clydesdales, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, children's races, people, champions parade, vintage tractors parade, sheaf tossing, dog show, and many many more around the show today.

Caithness County Show 2019 - Friday Photos 
Caithness County Show 2019Caithness County show 2019

Caithness County Show 2019 - Friday Evening and All Day Saturday
Caithness County show Friday 19th and Saturday 20th July 2019
Another great county show in store for the weekend at Riverside, Wick.  The weather forecast is for light showers but not until after 4.00pm.  Possibilty of a light shower before 10.00am so we have a 6 hour window when hoepfully things should be fine.  But hey this is Caithness and we all know all weather is possible at any time.  It never rains on the golf course or the county show - you just go and enjoy it.  See you all there.

Can You Afford To Build Your Own Home?  
Articls Two in series by Peter Body showing how you can build your own housePeter Body of Thermohaus sets out the finance
This is the second article in a series to help anyone thinking of building their own house by seting out the basics, the finance and much more to show how anyone can do it with the right advice. Before you begin planning your new home it is imperative you set a budget. And, as your build progresses, you must monitor the spend to ensure you stay within budget. We've all seen the TV self-build programmes such Grand Designs and the mess some self-builders get themselves into.
The first article published recently was -
Building Your Own Home Is Easier Than You May Think

Community Fund Awards Over £70k To Support Leisure Activities!
Caithness and North Sutherland Fund 2019 awards for Leisure Activities
The Caithness & North Sutherland Fund has committed over £70k to six community projects in its latest round of grant awards. CNSFund Chairperson David Glass said "This latest investment supports improvements to recreational amenities and events in Caithness & North Sutherland, helping to ensure that people living and visiting our area can enjoy a high standard of leisure activities. All of these projects are overseen by volunteers who work hard to improve the quality of life for our communities and we are pleased to support them in achieving their plans."
Thurso Heritage Society Talk - A Top Detective Came From Thurso
Swanson - top detective came from Thurso
Thurso Heritage Society will host an illustrated talk and book signing with the guest speaker, author Adam Wood at the Royal British Legion, 7:30 pm Friday 19th July 2019 with a book signing, 10 am - 1 pm Saturday 20th July at Thurso Library. The book, is the first biography about Thurso born, Donald Swanson who would begin life in humble beginnings. He left the far north of Scotland for London in 1867 and became the top detective in the country in charge of the C. I. D. (Criminal Investigation Department)

Green Road Playpark, Wick Refurbished By Volunteers
Green Road Playpark Reopens after Volunteers put in hard workGreen Road Playpark reopensGreen road Playpark reopensGreen road Playpark reopens
A group of about a dozen volunteers have done a huge amount of work on refurbishing the playpark equipment at Green Road, Wick. Old equipment was repaired and everything got a lick of paint. Some new items that had been languishing in a council store were built up and installed. On big basket swing even had some part made by a 3D printer when they could not source spares from the manufacturers as they no longer had that line. The high school made the parts and you can see them in white in the photo as all the other parts are black. New goalposts have been obtained and installed and the pitch lined. Funds raised from various sources and more is yet to come as the group shortly hope to install a zip slide also sitting in a council store. Local contractors have pitched and the council workmen offered advice on safety and how to do a few things. Well done to all concerned as this really was a community project with a great result. There was plenty to see and do for kids including Face painting and goal scoring skills against Wick Academy goal keeper.    Friends of Green Road Playpark FACEBOOK
Canisbay Show 2019
Canisbay Show 2019Canisbay Show 2019Canisbay Show 2019Canisbay Show 2019Canisbay Show 2019

Canisbay Show 2019Canisbay Show 2019Canisbay Show 2019Canisbay Show 2019Canisbay Show 2019

Earlier Years Canisbay Shows HERE
Great News - Fiends of Green Park Road, Wick Have Successfully Refurbished all the Play Park Equipment
To celebrate they are having a Fun Day on Sunday 7th July 12:00 - 2:00.
External Force Asked To Review Death Of Kevin Mcleod
Police Scotland has asked for an independent review into the death of a man whose body was recovered from Wick Harbour more than 20 years ago. Senior representatives of Police Scotland and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service met with the family of Kevin Mcleod earlier today to inform them that, following consultation with the Lord Advocate, Chief Constable Iain Livingstone has requested Merseyside Police carry out a detailed review of the case under the direction of the Crown. The initial investigation into Mr Mcleod's death in 1997 by Northern Constabulary will be reviewed, along with all further inquiries carried out by Police Scotland since its formation in 2013. Mr Mcleod, an electrician, was last seen in the early hours of February 8, 1997, as he enjoyed a night out with friends in the Caithness town. His body was recovered from the sea the following day.

Lyth Summer Exhibition Launch  - Saturday 6th July 4.00 - 8.00pm
Lyth Arts - Summer Exhibition
Join us for the opening of our Summer Exhibition Mountains Underwater: Stroma.

The exhibition also features work by local artists, film and audio recordings of Stroma histories, island artefacts and extracts of recent UHI research conducted on the island. Join us from 4pm for a first look and a celebratory drink at the opening of this exciting new exhibition.

All welcome

Highlands and Islands MSP raises concerns about cancelled operations
Cancelled Operations
Operations had to be cancelled across NHS Highland because hospitals simply could not cope, new figures reveal. Data published by ISD Scotland shows that 45 operations were cancelled in May 2019 due to non-clinical reasons such as not having enough staff or unclean equipment.

Canisbay Show - Saturday 6 July 2019
Lots on this year ,

LeisureLink Partners added in time for Summer - More With Your Highlife Card
Leisure Link with Highlife Highland
Just in time for the school holidays LiveBorders has joined the LeisureLink partnership to provide access for highlife leisure members holidaying in the Borders this summer, and adding another eight leisure centres to the partnership. This means that highlife members can now enjoy gym and swim at leisure facilities when on holiday in the Borders, Western Isles, Argyll and Bute, Orkney and Moray for free as part of their existing membership.
Sports Index
Summer Holidays Childrens Events With The Rangers 2nd July 2019
Rangers Summer Events For Children
Ranger events for children in the summer holidays

For a full list of ranger events for adults and kids see HERE