News Archive - January February March 2019
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26 March 2019
New Leisure Link Partnership
secures free access for Highlife members across four areas of Scotland
Life Highland today announced a new partnership with four other areas
of Scotland that will see highlife members able to access free use of
leisure facilities outside the Highland region for the first time since
the low cost access card was introduced over 15 years ago. The scheme,
involving four other areas will be known as the "Leisure Link
Partnership". Believed to be the first of its type in Scotland,
highlife members will now be able to access gym, public swimming and
fitness classes at leisure facilities across, Moray, Orkney, The
Western Isles and Argyll and Bute at no extra cost.
25 March 2019
First Newton Room In The
UK Is Officially Opened In Thurso
first Norwegian style learning centre in the UK was officially opened
in Thurso today Monday 25th March 2019.
Newton Rooms are designed to inspire more young people to become
interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),
and encourage them to study these subjects in school and beyond.
The centre at North Highland College UHI in Thurso is the first of a
network of Newton Rooms being created in the Highland region by the
Science Skills Academy, a partnership project led by Highlands and
Islands Enterprise (HIE) with £3m from the Inverness and Highland
City-Region Deal.
Dunnet Forestry Trust Bids To
Take Ownership Of The Forest
Forestry Trust has launched a proposal to take ownership of Dunnet
Forest on behalf of the community. Currently the forest is owned by
Scottish Natural Heritage and leased to the Trust. As a Scottish
Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee the Trust is eligible to
apply to the Scottish Land Fund for financial assistance towards
purchase the of the forest. The Trustees believe that there will never
be a better opportunity for transfer to community ownership.
Caithness Orchestra Spring
Caithness Orchestra bring you the chance to hear somce Czech music you
may not hear too often these days.
Pulteney Centre, Wick - Saturday 30th March, 2.30pm
Mount Pleasant School, Thurso - Wednesday 3rd April, 7.30pm
Great chance to let chldren attend a live classical concert from local
musicians. Adults £5 children accompanied by adults
23 March 2019
A Look Around The Caithness
Science Festival 2019 Fun Day

22 March 2019
Mapping Thurso - Asking
the Community What Needs to Be Improved
Development Officer, Joan Lawrie has been running a series of community
consultation since taking up post with Caithness Voluntary Group under
the Scottish Government funded Aspiring Communities programme in
January. Joan has been speaking to users of Ormlie Community
Association, Caithness Citizen's Advice Bureau, Thurso Community Cafe
and speaking to various groups existing in the town. The key aim of the
project is to consult with those in our communities who are
experiencing inequality and return this information to the Caithness
Community Planning Partnership in order to empower the community in
shaping our area from identified priority needs.
21 March 2019
Major Jobs Boost For Wick
- Applications Open Now For Up To 39 Positions (38
Full-time, 1 part-time)
Restore Digital is a leading independent provider of document scanning,
content input, content capture, business process automation solutions,
and professional consultancy services. Our customers trust us with
their time critical, business critical and highly sensitive data. We
have helped NHS Trusts, Central Government, Fire & Rescue,
Ambulance Services, Social Care, Nuclear and Police Authorities begin
their digital transformation journey and save £millions while
protecting against risk. We also offer the largest scanning capacity in
- 25 Posts - Salary £18525
Team Leaders - 5 Posts -
Salary £21500
- 4 Posts Salary - £16500
HGV Drivers - 4 Posts -
Salary £27,000
Time SHEQ Advisor (Safety, Health, Environment and Quality)
21 Hours Flexible over 5 days -
Salary £28,000 - £30,000
Old St Peters Kirk -
Graveyard Survey
St. Peter's Kirk Preservation Association and Historic Environment
Scotland are teaming up to hold a two day workshop on how to survey and
formally record the graveyard and gravestones. They will also be
demonstrating techniques to help decipher faint inscriptions on the
A great opportunity for any photography or family history enthusiasts!
St Peters Kirk Photos
19 March 2019
is in Caithness this week (March 19 - 23) to show primary
school pupils how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)
skills can be used to build space rockets and solve investigations. All
part of Caithness International Science Festival.
Pupils from Reay, Melvich, Tongue, Pennyland, Cannisbay, Bower, Keiss,
Crossroads, Noss, Castletown, Farr, Miller, Dunbeath, Lybster and
Thrumster Primary Schools will be able to take part in TechFest
workshops throughout the week.... Science
Festival Events List
18 March 2019
is doubling the number of grants it offers to school breakfast clubs
across the UK.
The scheme will help to provide breakfast to more than 600 schools in
the communities that need them the most.
Since 1998, the Kellogg's Breakfast Clubs programme has supported over
3,000 breakfast clubs by providing training, grants and more than 70
million bowls of cereal.
17 March 2019
Hetty Munro's War Diaries by
Elizabeth Rintoul - July 1942 - February 1943
Another extract from Hetty Munro diaries first published in the Caithness
Field Club Bulletin 2010. Links have been made to
earlier extracts.
Wings Over Wick Various Caithness
History Items Caithness
Castles Community Index
16 March 2019
History of Cabrelli‘s
Cafe at the Camps in Wick by Lyndall
in the 20th century, Italian-owned cafes, ice cream parlours and
chip shops spread through- out Scotland, run by enterprising
immigrants, who saw Scotland as a land of opportunity, at a time when
work was scarce in their own country. One family member would come over
to Scotland to work here and were then joined by their brothers and
sisters. In the case of Cabrelli's this has now reached the third and
fourth generations, who now work in the professions so this business,
as happened to so many others, has closed down.
This article was first published in the 2010 Bulletin of Caithness
Field Club. Further articles from the bulletins
willbe published in coming weeks. See
the list of articles publish to date on HERE
12 March 2019
Wick Play Parks Meeting -
Community Taking Control - Are You In?
users of play parks in Wick are invited to a meeting to discuss setting
up groups to assist with maintenance and improvement of play parks in
30th March 2019.
10.30am to -12.00noon.
Mowat Room, Assembly Rooms, Wick
Community Index
Boost For Computing
Lessons In Schools
from nearly 70 per cent of Scottish schools have signed up for BT tech
literacy programme.
A programme to help teachers bring computer science to life in the
classroom has already reached nearly 70 per cent of Scotland's primary
schools, according to new figures.
Latest numbers show that teachers from 69 per cent of primary schools
in Scotland - a total of more than 6,700 teachers so far - have
registered to use the BT-sponsored Barefoot Computing programme, which
offers free, classroom-ready teaching resources.
Community Index
8 March 2019
Play Talk Read Bus Coming To
Thurso and Wick

Play Talk Read bus is coming to Thurso and Wick.
"The Play, Talk, Read campaign highlights how the first few years
represent a golden opportunity for us to give our children the best
possible start in life.
"Simply by playing, talking and reading with our children more often we
can make a real difference to their development.
"Improving the life chances of all our children is a key priority for
this government. By the age of three a child's brain is three-quarters
of its adult size, with 50 per cent of language skills already
developed, making the need to get the early years right beyond debate.
Community Index
4 March 2019
Introducing: Why Invest In
Nature? A Short Film Competition
filmmakers with a passion for nature are being sought for our new
competition that aims to encourage businesses to see the benefits of
the natural world. We have joined forces with the Scottish Forum on
Natural Capital (SFNC) to help promote why businesses should care for
and invest in nature. Rebecka Bergh, who is helping to organise the
competition, explains all.
Businesses depend on nature for resources like timber or water
supplies. They also benefit from a range of services provided by
nature, such as pollination of crops and nutrient cycling in soils, or
healthy environments for people to live in or visit.
CNS FUND awards maximum funding
for MS Therapy Centre Refurbishment
Caithness MS support charity has been awarded £30,000, the maximum
award, by the Caithness & North Sutherland Fund. The MS Therapy
Centre Wick was given the money to help refurbish its premises in
Braehead and create a new community wellbeing hub. The therapy centre
is used by people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis and other medical
conditions that benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Treasurer of
the MS Therapy Centre Wick, Janet Farrington said, ‘'We have been based
at our current premises for over 25 years and the building needs a
major refurbishment to bring it up to modern standards. After
successfully negotiating an asset transfer with Highland Council last
year, we are working hard to raise money for the refurbishment.
Tourism Familiarisation
Flow Country
Peatlands of Caithness and Sutherland
When: Friday 15 March, 1pm - 3 pm
Where: Field Centre, RSPB Forsinard Flows
Future of Fisheries in Scotland
discussion paper launched in Orkney.
Fisheries Secretary Fergus Ewing has launched a national discussion
paper setting out the Scottish Government's vision for the future of
fisheries. Mr Ewing is meeting with representatives from the local
fishing community in Kirkwall, Orkney, on Monday in the first of a
series of similar meetings across Scotland, which will allow
individuals, businesses and communities involved in fishing to have
their say in what a new strategy for fisheries management should look
3 March 2019
Commercial Vehicles in Caithness
From 2018 - Catching up with photos from last year

Vintage Tractors 2018 Now Added
To The Transport Section

Photos Index
20 February 2019
Caithness International Science
Festival 2019 Programme
Science Festival 4th
March - 23rd March
packed fullof events and the huge fun day. With visits to all
primary schools it is the biggest community organised event that
contributes to schools and the public at large.
Community Index
Family Fun Night Walk and
Activities At Dunnet Beach

For other events check the Whatson Calendar
6 February 2019
Caithness Astronomy Group Moon
Watch Observing Sessions
permitting there will be the opportunity to drop by and view
the Moon through Caithness Astronomy Group telescopes at Thurso
Riverside and Wick High School on the evening of Saturday 16th February. 7.00 -
6 February 2019
Families in Caithness to
benefit from Police and Parentline Partnership
families will get greater access to support thanks to a new
partnership between Police Scotland Highland and Islands Division and
Children 1st's Parentline service.
Local police officers responding to incidents involving children are
letting their families know about the ongoing support that Parentline
offers via phone, email, text and online webchat. In December
officers in Wick received briefings from Children 1st's Parentline team
about the service and the support it provides. As well as telling
families about the service, officers are also giving out postcards and
other information about how to contact Parentline, if families choose
to do so.
1 February 2019
Pastimes From Past Times At
Castletown Heritage Museum

30 January 2019
Thurso Community Fridge
- Donation page set up
There are currently 32 Community Fridges across the UK and their
numbers are growing. A Community Fridge is open to all and it's key aim
is to minimise food waste in a community. Did you know that in the UK
it is estimated every household throws away £700-£800 worth of food?
That's just households, the levels of food waste from Supermarkets and
Businesses is much higher.
So imagine...that cheese you bought that you thought you would eat but
ended up throwing away, those rolls from the Bakery that are still
perfect to eat but they can't put out the next day, that over order on
yogurt at the Supermarket - all going to the bin. Unless, there is
another solution! Pop it into the Thurso Community Fridge for someone
else to get use from.
26 January 2019
Your Cash Your Caithness -
Everyone Wins - Big Surprise For Everyone

Saturday 26th January 2019 the Your Cash Your Caithness event was held
in front of packed auditorium at the Pulteney Centre in Wick.
Once again 22 Caithness community groups made presentations with
questions from the audience about their many and varied projects listed
below. What was evident from the 5th event to disburse some funding
with a public vote was the huge variety and commitment of the people
who run groups in the county.
See inside for the surprise of the day.
22 January 2019
Noss Primary Children Tell About
The Books They Are Reading

The children at Noss Primary school in Wick will tell us about the
books they like over the next few weeks.
Check their web site for further updates in coming weeks.
If you buy books for children and grand children this might be a very
useful guide.
Burns Night Shortbread
Biscuits - 5 Recipes

celebrate Burns Night on Friday 25th January, Scottish Blend, a brew
specially blended for Scottish water, have teamed up with independent
Scottish Bakery, ‘Pinnies and Poppy Seeds' to create five special
shortbread flavours.
Yummy Recipes - Haggis
Spice -
Raspberry & Oat -
Cracked Black Pepper - Crowdie
Scottish Tablet Shortbread
21 January 2019
22 Groups In Running For
Your Cash Your Caithness - You can go along and
The pubic in Caithness have the chance to decide who gets the cash by
voting after hearing short presentations by all of the groups.
Presentations are only 5 minutes with some questions after. 22 projects
now have a chance to put their idea to the public vote. There is
£10,000.00 on offer with applications received totalling £21,075.00.
18 January 2019
Your Cash Your Caithness -
£10,000 To Be Distributed By Public Vote on
26th January 2019
Following the initial application process 22 projects now have a chance
to put their idea to the public vote. There is £10,000.00 on offer with
applications received totalling £21,075.00. The participatory budgeting
event will take place in the Pulteneytown Peoples Project, Pulteneytown
Centre, Huddart Street, Wick, KW1 5BA with registration from 9.30 am
and will start at 10.00 am until around about 1.30 pm on Saturday 26th
January 2019.
17 January 2019
There are two cyber security
events being held in Caithness
Events organised by
Highlands and Islands enterprise - Book Now.
Cyber security is an ever increasing issue, whether it is for us as
individuals, part of a Community group or running a business. Highlands
& Islands Enterprise digital team are coming up to both Wick
Thurso on the 27th and putting on a Cyber Sense event which will last
an hour, it is fun and free so please take the opportunity to book on
an event near you. See links to Thurso and Wick events inside.
Have Your Say On Thurso Flood
Protection Study
Highland Council has invited people in Thurso to attend a public
exhibition highlighting proposals for flood prevention measures along
the River Thurso.
The Council is currently developing a Flood Protection Study (FPS) for
the River to identify solutions that will alleviate the risk of
flooding. An exhibition on Tuesday 22 January from 2pm - 7pm at the
Pentland Hotel ballroom, Princess Street, Thurso, KW14 7AA
See photos from the
flooding in Thurso and other parts of Caithness January 2005
Beatrice offshore wind
community fund open for applications
The Beatrice offshore wind community fund is again open for application
from 14th January 2019. The closing date for applications is noon on 25 April 2019.
In this round, the overall fund is worth £400,000. With the total fund
worth £2,000,000 over the five-year life of the fund.
You can apply for funding from £10,000 up to a maximum of £50,000.
16 January 2019
Moray Offshore West Windfarm
Returns To North Planning Committee
22nd January 2019 the Moray West wind Farm planning application returns
to the North Planning committee but merely fro some slight changes to
the location of some turbines to lessen the impact on certain views.
Scrabster Harbour Prepares For
Further Major Developments
Habour Trust have launched their tendering process for new
works at the St Ola pier, dredging, water supplies and other works.
The mutli million pounds project will further develop the
and add to the works of the last 10 years which have seen
improvements to income and continue the expansion of jobs in the area.
13 January 2019
NDA Draft Business Plan 2019 -
2022 - A Chance To Make Comments
consultation is open until 4th February 2019.
Planned expenditure for 2019/20 at Dounreay
is £185 million.
11 January 2019
County Lines drug
networks in Scotland - Be Alert
charity launches campaign to appeal for help in tackling
County Lines drug networks.
The charity Crimestoppers is on 14th January 2019 launching a campaign
to highlight the pain and suffering that criminals from English cities
are inflicting on vulnerable people in Scotland's rural and coastal
The campaign aims to raise awareness of County Lines, which is when
criminals from major cities such as Liverpool, Manchester, London and
Birmingham are expanding their drug networks to other areas, bringing
with it serious criminal behaviour such as violence, exploitation and
The term County Lines refers to the use of a single telephone number to
order drugs, operated from outside the local area.
Caithness Voluntary Groups
Awarded £183,296 To Combat Poverty
Voluntary Group, in partnership with Pulteneytown People's Project and
Thurso Community Development Trust have been awarded 183,296 to employ
the four full-time development workers and a part-time co-ordinator.
The 12-month project will employ, a community development worker for
Wick will be employed by PPP and based at the Pulteney Centre, as will
a childcare development worker. The development worker for Thurso will
be based at Ormlie Centre and a rural development officer will work
from the CVG offices in Wick.
A9 Berriedale Braes
Milestone As Contract Awarded
has been many years coming and the late ex councillor Billy Mowat would
have a
wry smile as he brought the topic up at every opportunity in Highland
council. Transport Scotland has today announced that R J MacLeod Ltd
has been
awarded the construction contract as part of the £9.6 million project
to deliver improvements to the road alignment and the existing tight
hairpin bend on the A9. Map
showing road now and improvements
10 January 2019
Potential World Heritage
Site in the Flow Country
World Heritage Site in Caithness and Sutherland?
The Flow Country currently sits on the UK's tentative list for World
Heritage Site inscription, in recognition of its world-class blanket
bog habitat and unique assemblages of bird species. A Working Group has
been established to put forward The Flow Country's nomination to the UK
Government, who will decide if the nomination can proceed to UNESCO.
If The Flow Country becomes a World Heritage Site, it will join The
Great Barrier Reef and The Serengeti as one of the most important
natural sites in the world. UNESCO's World Heritage Site status is
considered the most prestigious of all heritage accolades, making it
the Michelin Star of the heritage world!
9 January 2019
Shops 10 Years Ago - Spot The Changes
In 10 years a few businesses have
disappeared from the streets.
Harbour Walkabout

A walk
around Wick harbour yesterday showed a higher number of boats than
usual probably due to the bad weather out at sea and the end of the
holiday period
. The
buildings being completely change on the front of the harbour are
advancing at a steady rate
with many new jobs scheduled to be located there later
this year.
the new piers for work boats show the huge difference at the habour
harbour has been turned around in a way no one though possible 10 years
. Servicing
the turbines in the Moray Firth will provide work for many
years to come. The
slipway has long gone.
Harbour a few years back Even
Earlier Pontoons
Arrival in 2007 Dredging
In 2008 Stormy
in 2011
PFR Reactor Jacket 1968
2007 Film
of December 2012 Storm North
Pier Repairsin November 2002
September 2006 many of the building parts for Tesco were delivered at
Wick Harbour
3 January 2019
To Partner With Scottish SPCA Caithness Rescue AND Rehoming Centre
and Scotmid Co-operative has partnered with Scottish SPCA as their
charity of the year to raise £300,000 to support education programme in
schools across the country.
Semichem Thurso and Wick will team up with Scottish SPCA Caithness
rescue and rehoming centre each month
Semichem stores in Thurso and Wick will support Scottish SPCA in
educating the next generation of animal lovers over the coming year and
are encouraging the local community to take action.
1 January 2019
Happy New Year To Everyone from
May your 2019 be a good one.