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28 March 2018
Stone MP Writes To First Mnister Regarding Caithness Poor Health
Stone MP for Caithness Sutherland and Ross writes today on his Facebook
page - "Today I've written to Nicola Sturgeon to express my concern at
the high levels of chronic disease in Caithness that were reported in
this Monday's Press & Journal. The very high number of health
problems experienced by people in the Far North make it more urgent
than ever that higher levels of government step in to assist the local
Governance Training For Committee Members, Directors and Staff
Governance Training will be delivered in two sessions
Wednesday 9th May
Your members what are they?, Ever wondered why you have members and why
they are there
How your committee works
How your group is made up.
Information Event In Wick - Groups Can Book A Place Now

Tuesday 24th April 10.00am-1pm
Pulteney Centre, Wick.
27 March 2018
O'Groats Trail Group Install
New Footbridge at Ousdale

team of 14 people built an 8-metre bridge across the Ousdale
Burn, one of the largest burns along the Trail. They worked from 11 to
5 to complete the project, despite rain and cold. They were preceded
the Sunday before by a team of 7 who brought the heavy materials,
including two steel heavy beams, down the steep hillside. Ruard Erridge
of Far North Fencing led the team and designed the bridge on the go,
working to professional standards and with great leadership skills in
collaborating with volunteers.
26 March 2018
At Gills Harbour and Some History
reminder that the AGM for Gils Harbour takes place tomorrow Tuesday
27th March 2018 at Gills and there will be a talk by economist Tony
Mackay. Attached
to this item is also some history from Morris Pottinger.
20 March 2018
Spotted At Peedie Beach, Dunnet Head - STV
Colin McLean spotted the mammal basking in the sun on
Peedie Beach at Dunnet Head in Caithness on Monday.
Could it be the same one spotted
in Orkney a few days ago
18 March 2018
John O'Groats Trail Group Moving Forward

its inception by Jay Wilson the John OGroats Trail group of volunteers
have kept moving forward.
With a daunting prospect of marking out 147 miles of trail From
Inverness to John O'Groats they have created a viable route. Placing
way markers and building styles and bridges the volunteers are still
hard at work and slowly overcoming the problems. There are still fences
to get over in some places and getting permissions from landowners all
require time and sometimes cash. Established as a registered charity
the group have gone from strength to strength and have just published a
leaflet for the route and shortly will bring out a larger guide book.
Science Festival 2018 - Fun Day

The final day of the Caithness Science Festival - "The Fun
Day" gave a
chance for listening to talks on various topic and many hands on
displays. The
day showed to young people that science can be not only extremely
interesting but also fun with the added bonus of a potential career. This was
the 16th festival that has grown bigger each year. The fun
day was held for the first time in the new Wick High school campus where the covered
street that looks like a huge corridor really came into its own managing to house
all the stalls and cafe. Well
done to Prof Iain Baikie and his team for continuing to stage the event
that reaches every school in Caithness over the last few days.
16 March 2018
for Investment' in the Highlands and Islands - charities,
social enterprises, community enterprise
workshops, delivered in conjunction with Community Shares Scotland and
Firstport, will consider how social investment can be used to start,
grow or develop community and social enterprise. Full of tips and
advice on raising finance we will look at what it means to be
‘investment ready' and give participants a greater understanding of
risk, rates and appropriateness of the different ways of raising money.
Following on from an interactive and informative morning session we
take a very practical and fun approach as you become the lender....will
you invest?
If you, your colleagues or your community want to know more about
social investment then register now and spread the word....
All events are free to attend and include lunch.
Sponsored by HIE, these events will give charities, social enterprises,
community enterprise, advisors and intermediaries an overview of how
social investment can enable greater growth, sustainability and social
impact. The programme will be visiting:
Wick 27th March at Pulteneytown Peoples Project. Registration
Science Festival 2018 - Photos

The Caithness Science Festival 2018 is still going strong
in its sixteenth year.
The official launch was on Tuesday this week with
events running every day.
Prof. Iain Baikie who founded the festival and still leads a team of
enthusiastic people to run it.
He thanked a range of people for their support. At the
event farewell was said to former Lord Lieutenant Ann Dunnet who has
retired and was a long term supporter and patron. MP
Jamie Stone opened the festival with astronaut Duane Carey telling why
he liked coming back for a fifth time to the festiaval.
Former MP and current Lord Lieutenant John Thurso gave vote
of thanks. A few demonstration tasters of the events for the
week were on show to the people who were attending at the new Newton
Park primary school. Every school in Caithness has had events from the
festival and the
big Fun Day is on Saturday 17 April 2018.
15 March 2018
Groups Rewarded To Deliver Improvement Projects
groups across Caithness and north Sutherland have gained more than
£178,000 from a local fund's recent awards. The Caithness &
Sutherland Fund, which is provided by the Nuclear Decommissioning
Authority (NDA), has held two funding rounds since October and awarded
money to eleven projects.
Jim MacGregor, CNSFund Chair said, "It is an objective of the CNSFund
to support activity that delivers added value or additionality and our
aim is to focus on projects that will achieve environment, social,
culture or infrastructure improvements. Our latest funding rounds saw
the CNSFund commit over £178k towards a wide range of development
projects throughout the Dounreay travel to work area.
12 March 2018
sought from Thurso Residents
Community Development Trust is continuing in its efforts to understand
the needs of Thurso Residents while moving forward in identifying early
projects for the Trust to complete for the development of the town.
A successful public meeting was held earlier this month where round
table discussions brought out many positive opinions of the town and
needs for improvement. Marion O'Brien of the steering group leading the
Trust stated, "It was wonderful to see so many people turn out and give
views on Thurso a lot of discussion and positive ways forward were
suggested, it is clear that many people share similar view points on
what we need to do in terms of the tourism sector in particular and
playing up to our strengths as a town rich in heritage and attractive
spaces but not often celebrated."
11 March 2018
Caithness International Science
Festival 2018 - Many Events This Week Monday 12th - Saturday 17th March
On This Week

Blast Off - Astronaut Daune "Digger" Carey Monday 12th March

Event - Tuesday 13th March

Man and Blast Off 123 Wednesday14th March

To The Cosmos Thursday 15th March

a Boozy Science - 16th March 2018

Fun Day At Caithness Science Festival 2018 - Saturday 17th March

For more information see
the Caithness Science Festival Web site
10 March 2018
Film Festival 23 - 25
March 2018

The Halladale Film Festival which is running at the Halladale Hall
(A897) from March 23-25th.
The programme of films span Bill Nighy in the
more mainstream, 'Their Finest', Indian film, 'The Lunchbox',
Icelandic, 'Rams' to local films showing this area and people in the
60's & 70's 'An Album of Memories', the Flow country and a
couple of surfer films; ’The Accord’ and 'The Faroes' and closing with
the decidedly more edgy, ‘Deadpool' ....
There is also a film making workshop included in the festival pass, but
for that you need to sign-up ahead of time.
Story Of A Life By Grayson Perry -
Gallery until 28th April
The Essex House Tapestries: The Life of Julie
Cope (2015)
illustrate the key events in the heroine's journey from her birth
during the Canvey Island floods of 1953 to her untimely death in a
tragic accident on a Colchester street. Rich in cultural and
architectural details, the tapestries contain a social history of
modern Britain that everyone can relate to.
is known for his
ceramic art, in which traditional decorative forms reveal more complex
narratives and irreverent political statements. A Turner Prize winner
(2003), more recently he has reached a wider audience through a series
of socio-cultural television programmes.
8 March 2018
Not All New Items Appear On This Page
Check out from time to time in Arts - - Business -
- Community -
- Jobs
- - Whatson
Many items but not all flow across to our Facebook pages
7 March 2018
Wanted To Record Plants
would you or one of your group members like to be part of a UK wide
project to record how our native plant species are changing over time?
The National Plant Monitoring Scheme (NPMS)
is looking for volunteers to adopt a one km square in your area that
you can visit twice a year. The scheme is supported by Scottish Natural
Heritage and will help us gain a greater understanding of plant
communities in Scotland.
Issues More Fines In Caithness For Dog Fouling And Fly Tipping
Broch Gains Leader
award of £21,014 from the Highland LEADER Programme is the last piece
of the financial jigsaw required for a project which aims to conserve
Dunbeath Broch in Caithness. Neil Buchanan, Chair of Berriedale
& Dunbeath Community Council said: "Dunbeath Strath provides a
walk with a variety of interest and is popular with local people, the
wider Caithness community and visitors to the area. The Strath is
sheltered, picturesque, has a long and impressive history of human
settlement and is rich in archaeological sites. The best known of these
are brochs - tall imposing circular drystone towers built over 2000
years ago - some of the most remarkable structures ever built in
Britain. Despite this richness very few Caithness brochs have been
subject to modern excavation and dating and few are readily accessible
or adequately presented.
2 March 2018
Better With A Long Term Condition - Starts 19th March at
Caithness Horizons
Sign Up For a five week course ar Caihness Horizons.
This has made a diffeence for many peopel so take a look
Clerks - Postponed unitl 10th March
Players -
One of our ex members - Brett Murray is returning to the Mill Theatre
with his film showing. The film is around an hour and a half long and
will be screened on Saturday 10th March (Postponed from 3rd March),
followed by a question and answer
session and refreshments will be available.
27 February 2018
- Highland Migrant & Refugee Advocacy - A New Volunteering
new project has a focus on empowering migrants and refugees to speak
out and seek support. Building on the findings from Birchwood
Highland's 'Migrant Matters' research, this project will seek to fulfil
the need for support services to be enduring, community based and
community led. The project is looking for volunteers in several partsof
Highland including Wick.
Secures Innovation of the Year Award
the Highlands and Islands manufacturer of timber
frame kits, windows and doors, received the Innovation of the Year
Award at the prestigious Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards 2018.
The awards, run by Interface, aim to celebrate the achievements of
academic and business collaborations and partnerships. Norscot,
in partnership with the University of Strathclyde, were recognised for
the research and development of virtual reality show home software.
Norscot currently employs 60 staff and generates an annual turnover of
more than £4 million.
26 February 2018
Celebrates 20 Years Of
Supporting Breakfast Clubs With New Grant Programme
giant to give £1,000 to a breakfast club every school day of 2018. Here
is how schools in your area can apply.
The Kellogg's breakfast club network currently supports 3,000 clubs.
Kellogg's is celebrating 20 years of championing breakfast clubs by
offering schools across the country the chance to get their hands on
To mark the anniversary, the cereal giant will be giving a £1,000 grant
away every school day of 2018.
Schools should act fast
if they want to try and win an award of £1000 as
the offer is to be withdrawn if over suscribed.
23 February 2018
Caithness International Science Festival
Tarantulas,Gorilla's, Engineering, Wildlife Adventures, Elements,
Programming, Environments, Electrics, K'NEX and Storytelling. Yes it is
that time of year again - the 2018 Caithness International Science
Festival is ready to kick for an even bigger festival. This is the 16th
Annual Festival and "the biggest and best to date, there is already a
buzz of excitement around" according to Chairman Iain Baikie. "We are
really excited to have NASA Astronaut Duane "Digger" Carey coming back
to Caithness for the festival. Duane is such an inspirational speaker
and very giving with his knowledge and experience. With this in mind we
have scheduled Duane in to visit as many schools as we possibly can as
well as hosting two public events where everyone is welcome to attend"
22 February 2018
An Hour Speed Limit for
Streets In Wick
safety of children walking and cycling to and from school and traffic
calming measures in Wick were under the spotlight at yesterdays meeting
of the Caithness Committee (Wednesday 21 February 2018).
Local Councillors have given the go-ahead for proposals to introduce a
20mph speed limit and traffic calming measures across Wick designed to
get motorists to slow down when driving around the town.
The scheme will include introducing gateway signage, roundels, 20mph
repeater signs and Speed Indication Devices.
Money will come from the £50,000 per year of capital funding allocated
by the Council to implementation 20mph speed limit schemes across the
Highlands in addition to the £100k Carbon Clever Capital
contribution. Business Index
Bug Sessions At Wick
Book Bug sessions take place at Wick and Thurso libraries and are a great
start for kids reading with lots of fun and singing. Check out
your local library.
Community Drama - Festival of One Act Plays

Weekend Drama festival featuring Thurso & Wick Players.
23rd and 24th February 2018.
7.30pm - 10.30pm.
Assembly rooms, Wick.
9 February 2018
Health Action Team
(CHAT) At Scottish Parliament
members of CHAT formed the delegation to meet with the
health minister Shona Robison on Wednesday 7th February 2018.
The team from CHAT each took different elements of health concerns in
Caithness to present to those present. Much to the surprise to CHAT the
meeting had grown somewhat. The minister had invited a few others to
listen including all the Highland MSP's (only Rhoda Grant and Gail Ross
were actually present with Edward Mountain left feeling it had been
orchestrated to keep him out as he had to chair a major committee
meeting that morning. Also present were David Alston chairman of NHS
Highland and Elaine Mead the Chief executive of NHS Highland.
are in several newspapers including the John O'Groat Journal today with features on
the day and following day radio.
going on over the next few days on the CHAT Facebook page .
1 February 2018
Guitar Virtuoso Andy Gunn - Live at Assembly Rooms
Guitar Virtuoso Andy Gunn brings his all new line up featuring the
cream of Scottish Blues musicians on tour in support of brand new album
‘Too Many Guitars To Give Up Now'. Compared to Hendrix and Stevie Ray
Vaughan in the press, Andy has absorbed these classic influences but
also honed his own style and voice over the years by the old fashioned
route of wood shedding and jamming in every bar and club the length of
the UK. He has also played many festivals and shared the stage with
such names as Buddy Guy, Albert Collins and Geno Washington.
1 February 2018
Sale of Former Wick High
former Wick High School has now been put up for sale by auction with a
guide price of £50,000.
30 January 2018
Groups Share Funding Pot of
In the latest round of awards from the E.ON
Fund over £75,000 has been distributed to eleven local projects.
Awards ranged from £255 to hire a bouncy castle for the Watten
Pre-School Parents Council annual Christmas party, to £25,000 to
Lybster Community Improvement Fundraising Group to contribute to the
purchase and installation of equipment to transform the playpark.
29 January 2018
primary and nursery enrolment
Highland Council is inviting
parents and carers
to enrol their
child for nursery and primary 1 for the 2018/19 school year which
starts on 21 August 2018.
If your child will be five years of age on or before 28 February 2019,
they are eligible to enrol for primary 1. Children born between 1 March
2014 and 29 February 2016 are entitled to a funded Early Learning and
Childcare place.
groups celebrate after
being awarded funding following public vote
people in Caithness cast their votes on Saturday (27th January 2018) at
a Highland Council participatory budgeting event held in Thurso High
Eleven out of the 18 projects bidding for £15,000.00 of community
funding were successfully voted for by over 100 people who registered
to vote on the day.
Applicants were given a 3 minute slot to sell their project with a
further 2 minutes allocated to allow any questions from the audience.
28 January 2018
Of Mey Highland Games To
Host First Scottish Paralympics
article in the Mail on Sunday has highlighted a move for Castle of Mey
Highland Games to hold the first ever events for athletes with a
24 January 2018
Council Announce No Cuts
For PSA and ASN Jobs
The council's budget leader Alasdair
Mackinnon said on BBC
Scotland that suggested cuts to 300 jobs in schools were "off the
It remains to be seen if teacher numbers will still be affected.
Horizons Cuts Manager Post And Reduces Curator Hours
over funding from Highland council.
Caithness Horizons, which tells the story of the county of Caithness
from 416 million years ago to the present day, has deleted its manager
post and cut its curator's hours from 40 to 20 hours a week in
anticipation of funding cuts.
The independent museum, in Thurso, Scotland, received £90,000 from the
Highland Council, and £95,000 from Dounreay (the history of the
Dounreay Nuclear Research Establishment is told in the museum) in
2017-18, towards its overall budget of £345,000.
Mentors Sought by Action for Children in Caithness and Sutherland
leading children's charity are seeking volunteer mentors across the
Highlands to work with young people supported by a project Action for
Children have just launched in Inverness and Ross shire. Caithness and
Sutherland are next!
Action for Children in the Highlands have begun delivering ‘Intandem',
a needs led volunteer mentoring service funded by Inspiring Scotland,
for young people aged 8-14 who face complicated and challenging
situations. Intandem has been set up to support young people coming
into, or leaving the care system, and provide a positive adult role
model. The project will match mentors with trained volunteers to build
a positive, trusting, supportive and secure relationship.
Day Care Centre Gets Local Funds Boost
Day Care Centre held a fund-raiser day at Tesco , Wick and raised
£526.29 at Tesco on Saturday 20th January 2018. Chairman of Laurandy
Day Care Centre, Bill Fernie said,"We thank the public once again for
their generosity. The money goes to help run the centre where we care
for mainly very elderly people. A high number of our clients
unfortunately have dementia or Alzheimers."
Community Index
Many Calories in a Burn's Supper and Ways to Burn Them Off!
average there are 1,303 calories in one helping of your Burn's night
feast (but then who ever has just one helping?.
Discover the calorie breakdown of the main components of a Burn's
supper and some inventive ways to burn your way through it!
Town Improvements Burns Supper For Senior Citizens - FREE
Tickets are available on a first come, first
served basis
from Caithness Horizons Museum and Art Gallery.
23 January 2018
elections for Highland
Community Councils

are being invited from people seeking election onto
eight community councils across the Highlands.
The resignation of some members have brought the following six
community council's down to below half of their memberships so interim
elections have been called in order to fill the vacancies.
Business Index
22 January 2018
Cash Your Caithness 2018 -
Projects short-listed for public vote

the Your Cash Your Caithness initial bidding process, 19 projects now
have a chance to put their idea to the public vote. There is £15,000 on
offer with applications received totalling £25,545.
The participatory budgeting event will take place in the Main Hall of
Thurso High School on Saturday 27 January 2018. Registration will be
from 9.30 am and the event will start at 10.00am sharp and run until
around 1.30pm.
Community Index
Businesses And Third Sector Supply To The Public Sector

Highland Council and its Commercial and Procurement Shared Services
partners Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils are running a series
of events to help businesses supply to the public sector. Some of the
events are hosted by other organisations and we will be signposting
suppliers to these as well.
The programme of events for Highland aims to increase understanding of
public sector procurement policy/legislation by offering practical
21 January 2018
and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership Latest Update
Story - Caithness FM on Radio Scotland
This programme went out on Radio Scotland a
few days ago
but you can catch it on iplayer on he link above.
the Portacabin Caithness
FM on Facebook
19 January 2018
Switched On At Work With Electric Vehicles

on @ Work' is an event to help employees and businesses identify the
benefits of switching to ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEVs). ULEVs
range from pure electric, plug-in hybrids and extended range electric
Dealerships will provide a range of ULEVs for test driving as well as
the opportunity to discuss interest-free loans for electric vehicles,
fuel efficient driver training for EV's and grant funding for home and
workplace charging infrastructure.
14 January 2018
Mill At John O'Groats Trust Asks You To Complete Their Survey

trust wishes to find out more about your viewson restoring and opeing a
new community place a the mill.
Old Buildings In Caithness
11 January 2018
The Latest New Jobs Available Today
The Caithness jobs market is
picking up as 2018
gets going. 29
new vacancies have been entered in our forum this week already.
8 January 2018
Recruitment for Jobs At New Wick Supply Base
Siemens have begun a
recruitment drive for the new base under construction at Wick harbour.
Three permanent full time jobs are currently
in with more to come as
the project moves forward so keep checking.