News Archive - October 2017
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31 October 2017
Cash Your
Caithness - Another Chance For Funds
Caithness Members of The Highland Council
have set aside
£15,000.00 from their Ward Discretionary Budgets to let the local
community once again decide for themselves which projects are needed in
their area.
Whether you want to organise a dance for young people, a healthy living
project, a crime prevention idea, a lunch club for older residents, a
community art project, the only limit is your imagination.
To apply for up to £1,500.00 you must submit an application before
5.00pm on Sunday 3 December 2017. If your idea fits, the community will
get to vote for the best ideas at an event to be held on Saturday 27
January 2018 in Thurso.
At the event you will be required to talk about your idea to the
community. Those in attendance will then vote on all the applications
and a decision will be made on the day.
Sustainable Development Fund - Now Open for Applications
The criteria for the fund is as
follows and more
information is available on the fund guidelines and application form
documents which are included below:
Creating opportunities - increased opportunities for education and
Empowering communities - build resilience and protect vulnerable
Building sustainable places - stimulate meaningful community
Completed applications should be sent to Marianne Townsley by 12 Noon
on Wednesday 31 January 2018.
27 October 2017
Demonstations On Saturday 28th At Dunbar Hospital, Thurso and Town and
County, Wick
Dunbar Hospital
and County

Everything is set for the demonstrations organised by CHAT
support of the health care services in Caithness ahead of another
review by NHS Highland.
Demonstration times are
Dunbar Hospital, Thurso
- Gathering 10.00am
for press photos calls etc - 10.15am march to
Thurso High
10.30am -
Polticians from 4 parties to give their view on what is happening to
health services in Caithness.
Town and County Hospital,
Wick - Gathering 2.00pm
for press and photos etc - 2.15pm
march to Assembly Rooms.
Politicians from 4 parties to give their view on what is happening to
health servicesin Caithness.
23 October 2017
Town and County Hospital - A
Lovely Facility in Caithness But What Is Its Future?

The Town and County Hospital is shortly to be part of a
review of
health services in Caithness by NHS Highland. In coming weeks
a list of options wil be put up for public consultation. A
family have organised a candle lit vigil to show support for the
hospital and its staff in memory of a relative cared for at the
hospital. The vigil will start at 6.30pm on Thursday 26th October and
is in advance of the rallies at Town and County Hospital and Dunbar
Hospital in Thurso on Satruday 28th October. The Caithness
community has contributed many things to the hospital over the years
and much work has been done on the gardens - it is a much loved and
appreciated facility for Caithness.
would you change Caithness?
Do you have an idea that will make Caithness a better
place for
Do you need up to £1,500.00 to put your idea into action?
If your answer is YES then ‘YOUR CASH YOUR CAITHNESS' is the
opportunity for you to make your project happen.
Deadline for applications
is Sunday 3rd December 2017.
21 October 2017
Health and Wellbeing Day At
Pulteney Centre
few photos of some of the stalls and participants at the Health
and well being day held in Pulteney Centre, Wick. A
links with our photos to web sites for information if you did not
manage along to pick up leaflets etc. Most of the
there have web sites or phone numbers and there is a huge amount of
help around if you know where to find it.
19 October 2017
New Beginnings Care Course - FREE

Monday 23 October - Telford
House, Williamson Street, Wick
Planning & Delivery 10.30am - 12.30pm
Branding & Marketing 1pm - 3pm
18 October 2017
Basic Food Hygiene Course For
Voluntary Groups
Voluntary Group.
Basic Food Hygiene Course, Telford House, Wick.
Tuesday 21st November, 10.30am - 12.30pm.
This is a two hour free course suitable for voluntary groups that
may organise fundraising activities such as coffee mornings, food
stalls or village hall events and need to know about food hygiene and
food safety. The training is delivered by a NHS Community Food and
Health Practitioner.
Do You Know Anything About This
is a long shot but someone is looking for this Go-cart sold 10 years
ago. Is it still aroundin Caithness?
Caithness Access Disabled Panel
Questionnaire For Businesses
The above panel have been working over the last few years
to build a
website which would benefit people living in and visiting Caithness, in
relation to visiting/using "accessible" services for people with
14.05.1939 at Warrington- Died 05.10.2017 at Thurso Caithness .
Physicist & Botanist ; Assistant Director at the Dounreay
Nuclear Power Establishment & published botanical author.
The death of physicist J. Kenneth 'Ken' Butler at the age of 79 after a
three-year battle with cancer, brings to an end a direct link with the
earliest days of the Dounreay Nuclear Power Establishment, just ten
miles from his home at Thurso, Scotland's only North coast town.
14 October 2017
Caithness Heart Support Group
handed over equipment to Wick GP
Heart Support Group handed over the latest equipment it has funded, to
the medical practices at Wick GP surgeries.
12 October 2017
event to focus on health and
wellbeing services
county's second Health and Wellbeing Market is taking place at the
Pulteney Centre in Wick on Saturday, 21st October 2017.
There will be 23 stalls offering information on health and wellbeing
services that can be accessed in Caithness.
The event is being organised by Caithness Health Improvement Forum with
Caithness Voluntary Group (CVG), Pulteneytown People's Project (PPP)
and the NHS, and will run from 11am to 3pm.
It follows on from the first Health and Wellbeing Market which was held
at the same venue in April 2016 and attended by around 170 people.
The aim is to showcase the wide range of opportunities available
locally to benefit general health as well as mental, spiritual,
emotional and social wellbeing.
Community Index
Living Better With a Long Term
Condition - Check Out The Boccia Group In Wick

Wick Swimming Pool - opening
times for School Holidays
More public swimming time during school holidays as no
swimming lessons.
Thurso Swimming Pool - opening
times for School Holidays
Plenty time for swimming right now.
CHAT 100 Mile Helper Kits READY
Health Action Team (CHAT) have now put the 100 Mile Helper
Kits together and wil shortly be distrubuting them to Hositals and GP
The 100 Mile Helper kits are good to go! First batches going to
hospitals today. CHAT said "Thank you so much for all the donations
that made these possible."
CHAT new web site launched
Caithness Soup - Local Crowd
Funding (with soup)

9 October 2017
St Fergus Bowling Club Donates
£300 to Laurandy Day Care Centre
Fergus Bowling club in Wick recently donated £300 to the
Laurandy Day Care Centre in Wick.
St Fergus Bowling Club Chairman Malky Mackay handed over a cheque for
£300 to Laurandy Centre chairman Bill Fernie.
Bill Fernie thanked the St. Fergus club for their generous
donation and said,"I continue to be amazed at the giving by groups and
individuals in Wick towards out centre that recently took over care for
the Alzheimer's group that closed. We need to fund raise continually to
maintain the services we provide. The staff and volunteers at Laurandy
do wonderful job for the elderly in our community and I know from
speaking to many people that the service is highly valued."
from far north 'let down' by Raigmore Hospital
- Inverness Courier
A NEW mum whose baby was born prematurely put a plea on
Facebook for a
spare room after she felt let down by the family hospital accommodation
at Raigmore Hospital.
Demi Mitchell, from Helmsdale, was given a room in the special unit so
she could be close to her baby, who has been kept in the hospital’s
special baby care unit after being born weighing just 2lbs and 13ozs.
But she was left "heartbroken" after a strict ‘no children’ rule at the
hospital’s free accommodation block forced her to be parted from her
two-year-old daughter, who was left pining at home nearly 70 miles
Wedding Dresses Display Cash
Handed Over To CHAT

John Nugent the minister at St Fergus Church handed over £794 from the
Wedding Dresses display by the ladies at St Fergus Church, Wick.
Bill Fernie, chairman of Caithness Health Action Team (CHAT) thanked
the ladies who organised the display and accepted the money on behalf
of CHAT. Bill said,"The generosity of Caithness people has been truly
amazing and they are rallying round the campaign to fight cuts to
health services in the north."
Bill spent the day at the display in St Fergus church and spoke to many
of the people who attended to see the dresses and look at the many
wedding photos.
Wedding Dresses Display At St
Fergus Church, Wick in aid of CHAT Funds
ladies of St Fergus church rallied round to help Caithness Health
Action Team (CHAT) with yet another fund raiser.
Each year they choose a cause to support either abroad or
local This year they decide to help CHAT in their efforts to
stop continued reduction in local health services by NHS Highland.
Some of the ladies who visited the display were in their 80's
and 90's determined to show their support and spoke about the many
times they or their families had used health services locally and in
particular maternity services in Caithness.
6 October 2017
Wedding Memorabilia Display in
aid of CHAT
at St Fergus Church, Wick
Saturday 7th October 10.30am - 3.30pm
Call in to see the display and support CHAT.
Final Leg Of Tesco Lands End to
John O'Groats Walk
walkers had to brave wind and rain on the last, Caithness lap of their
end-to-end charity walk bit got a champagne reception at John O'
Groats. This was the final year of the National Charity Partnership
with Diabetes UK and the British Heart Foundation.
3 October 2017
Praise for B876 Killimster Moss
road refurbishment
stretch of the Caithness Wick to Thurso road at Killimster Moss was
refurbished over a four week programme of improvement and reopened on
Friday 29 September.
This in-house project by The Highland Council saw Development and
Infrastructure staff design the road refurbishment and Community
Services staff carry out the works. The Council teams received loud
praise from local Wick and East Caithness Councillor Willie Mackay.
The men who worked on the road
with Councillor Mackay
Civic leader Cllr Willie Mackay (centre) cuts the tape at the
opening of the newly refurbished half mile Killimster Moss stretch of
the B876 Wick to Thurso road. Looking on are some of the Highland
council workers praised for the project which was done on time and
within budget. From left Kevin Mackay Community works officer, Colin
Smith, Ian Rainford, Donald Cormack and Alastair Mackenzie.
2 October 2017
Thurso volunteers planning BIG
clean up of Riverside area
- You
Can Help
Pay it Forward Thurso collective have been very busy in recent
weeks cleaning up various areas of Thurso. They have worked to weed
along Victoria Walk and the Esplanade area. The activity by the group
has encouraged residents of Thurso to go out and clean up their own
areas of the town. Two young brothers Kian and Jayden Mackay completed
a litter pick around their home in Harold Drive and a weeding mission
was completed by the residents of Bower Court on the pathways
surrounding their homes. Keeping the momentum going and keen to make
the most of the autumnal weather before winter sets in Pay it Forward
Thurso in conjunction with Thurso Town Improvements
Association are preparing for the BIG Riverside clean this
Saturday 7th and Sunday
8th October from 10am - 4pm.
You can contribute time or a small donation to help.