News Archive - March 2016


Health project Branching Out uses the great outdoors as a medicine
Branching out for health
A green space on referrals project has been offered to patients in the far north to improve their health this winter. A hardy group of NHS staff and eight patients visited Dunnet forest one day a week for ten weeks starting in January. The group took part in conservation tasks and learned both greenwood and outdoor cooking skills.

Farr Kids Clean Up
Farr Primary School Kids Litter picking day
Learning to become responsible citizens and helping to care for our local community is the theme for a series of events being undertaken by the children of Farr Primary School in Bettyhill, North Sutherland. As a launch activity and also part of their Eco-schools focus, the P1-3 class with teacher Mrs Campbell and P4, 5 and 6 class with Mr Wylie undertook a village litter pick on Wednesday 23rd March 2016. They were given assistance by The Highland Councils Countryside Ranger Paul Castle.
Bigger Photo HERE
Easter 10K, May Mini Triathlon and June Sprint now open for entries

Peatland workshops prove hit at Science Festival

Peatballs                       Carbon Cycle           Experiment
PeatballsCarbon CycleExperiment

Wick High School pupils get planting
Wick High pupils plant trees at Newton Hill
Pupils from Wick High School have been undertaking a range of maintenance and environmental project work at Newtonhill Croft Woodland. The youngsters meet two to three times a month and have undertaken path improvement works, bird box builds, wild flower meadow maintenance and much more. As the season for tree planting is upon us the pupils have been planting a range of broad-leaf trees gifted by the Woodland Trust.

Back to school and a trip down memory lane  - North School See Last Days bBefore Demolition
Open Day At North School for last look round before demolition
THERE will always a special place in our hearts for our early schooldays. They account a significant percentage of our early education, the longest periods we have been away from our parents, meeting and making new friends and tackling new challenges in new surroundings. The strength of our affection for our old alma mater was almost tangible as my sister Lois and I mingled with the crowds that converged on Wick North School's second open day on Saturday, in advance of that heartbreaking demolition.    PHOTO Gallery  Email more photos for the gallery to [email protected]
See some old North School Classes here
Tackling Social Isolation - Funding Opportunity
Additional funding of £200,000 to tackle loneliness and social isolation was announced today by Social Justice Secretary Alex Neil...........The additional investment in this fund will open for applications on Monday, March 21, with a deadline of 20 May 2016.

Struan Mackie Conservative Candidate For MSP In May
Struan Mackie Conservative Candidate for Caithness, Sutherland and Ross in May 2016 elections
Struan Mackie is the conservative and unionist candidate as MSP for the far north constituency of Caithness, Sutherland and Ross.

Gail Ross SNP Campaigns For MSP Spreads Across The North
Gail Ross
Wick SNP Councillor and Caithness Civic Leader. SNP candidate for C,S&R for the 2016 Scottish Parliament election has been getting around the constituency to meet people. Plenty of SNP support for candidates ensure they cannot be missed wherever they go. Last week Gail was over on the west coast at several places including Ullapool.

New Wick High 3 - 18 Campus Progress
New Wick High 3 - 18 Campus - 13 March 2016
The new Wick High school campus incorporating ages 3 - 18 is well on its way with the buildings now looking more enclosed.  The school which will be home to all ages includes a new primary to replace two primary schools - Pulteneytown and South.  A new library and swimming pool will serve the schools and the wider population.

New Noss Primary School Heading For Completion
New Noss Primary School Heading For Completion - 13 March 2016
The latest photo in our gallery for the new Noss Primary school on the north side of the river show it is well on its way to completion.  The new school wil replace North and Hillhead primary schools.  Once the new Wick High 3 - 18 campus opens Wick will be one of the few towns in Scotland to have all new schools.

Caithness Science Festival 2016
Caithness Science Festival 2016Caithness Science Festival 2016

New Group Formed By Wick Community Council Invites You To Meet NHS Highland Chief Tonight
New Group To Watch NHS Highland Changes at Caithness General
Concerns about what is happening at Caithness General Hopspital has formed and is inviting anyone with an interest in their local health services to come along TONIGHT Thursday 17th March to the Pultney Centre at 6.30pm to listen to the NHS Highland Chief Executive Elaine Mead.   The meeting is being held under the Wick Community Council banner as they are supporting the new group to get going. Many people remember the fight by North Action Group to retain obstetric services in maternity and the new group feel changes at the hospital in Wick are happening by stealth to avoid a full public consultation.  Elaine Mead is now the chief executive but in a lower position was heavily involved in the last confrontation on the maternity issue.  If you have an interest in protecting health services in the north go along TONIGHT.   See what SNP candidate Gail Ross says
Your Cash Your Caithness - More Council Funding For Caithness Groups
Caithness Members of The Highland Council have set aside £30k from the Ward Discretionary Budget to let the local community decide for themselves which projects are needed in their area. Whether you want to organise a dance for young people, a healthy living project, a crime prevention idea, a lunch club for older residents, a community art project, the only limit is your imagination......To apply for up to £3,000 for your project you must submit your application before 5pm on Friday 6th May 2016.

Caithness, Sutherland and Ross Labour candidate Leah Francetti Attacks SNP On Education
Labour candidate Leah Francettie Attacks SNP on funding for education
SNP Inspired Council Cuts Budget will ruin education provision in Caithness, Sutherland and Ross says Labour candidate Leah Francetti. Holyrood candidate for Caithness, Sutherland and Ross, Leah Franchetti, says cuts in the Education Budget for the Highland Council area will have lasting and damaging effect on many Highland children.

Launch of strategy to tackle wildlife crime in the Highlands
A strategy to tackle wildlife crime for the next three years was launched on Monday 14th March 2016 been launched in the Highlands.

Berriedale Braes upgrade should be advanced after Sheriffs findings
Berriedale Hairpin.
A Sheriff's description of the Berriedale Braes as inherently dangerous should add to the weight of evidence which should prompt the Scottish Government to advance its upgrading of the road, according to Highlands and Islands Labour MSP Rhoda Grant. Earlier this year, Mrs Grant said she was extremely disappointed at the response from Transport Minister Derek Mackay which predicted upgrading the Berriedale Braes could take up the three years.

Two Pages Of Jobs and Vacancies on
There are 50 vacancies in our job section with newv vacancies being added almost every day.  Closing dates come and go so don't miss out on checking for new jobs.  Employers can easily add jobs FREE of charge and all you need to do is join our Forum.  Our job section also flows out into our Facebook page for even more coverage of your vacancies.

Business Gateway Courses Coming To Caithness
A series of FREE workshops may help you grow your business.

Notification of Subsea 7 Towhead Movement through Wick
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Nuclear Archive At Wick Going Up Fast
New NewclearArchive construction site at Wick - 13 March 2016
The Nuclear Archive building near Wick airport is going up fast now. We had no tbeen up to take a look for some months and as you can see considerable work has been done.

Ranger Events For 2016
Take a note of the Ranger events for 2016.  Due to council funding reductions there will be less advertising around for these events but you can check on the link to be found on the left hand column of this page any day of the year.

Locomotives derailed by Academy - Wick Academy 4 Inverurie Locos 2
Wick Academy 4 Inverurie Locos 2 - 12 March 2016Reporter Noel Donaldson
TIME was when Academy would have viewed an encounter with Locos with some trepidation...not any more. The Scorries had Inverurie on the run, but while the visitors were down at times, they demonstrate they were not out of the game and kept coming back in an entertaining ninety minutes for the fans.      Photo Gallery

'e Groat Stories    'e Courier Stories
Towhead Moves Slowly Through Wick
Towhead moving through Wick - 10 March 2016
One of the latest towheads to pass through the town again attracted considerable interest. It successfully negotiated the turns from Scalesburn into Willowbank, though not with a little manoevuring but was held up while turning into Henrietta Street was held up by a lamp standard light. A hydraulic lift took two workers upwards and the lampshade fitting were loosened to allow it to be moved clear and the trip to Subsea 7s yard at Wester to continue.

Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership - Update
GIB and Equitix commit £10m to expansion of Wick district heating scheme
The scheme will undergo a major upgrade with the aim of connecting it to 150 new customers.
