News Archive

Scrabster Harbour Day
Pictures from The successful day raising funds for the Fisherman's Mission

Dances With Waves
Around Ireland By Kayak
Dunbeath Community Centre on 2 November 7.30.  A reminder for this talk by Brian Wilson as it has missed the local paper.  The full series of talks and lectures from Aberdeen University in Caithness for this winter can be found Here

Duncansby Head
We bring you a few of the magnificent views around Duncansby Head.  The views include some of the best and easiest to get sights of seabirds nesting on the cliffs.  Check Seabird City as it is often called for some information.

Pipe Band Festival
In June a Pipe Band Festival was held in Wick.  Her are pictures from the event showing the bands marching through Wick and at the riverside.

Handy Person's Scheme
Caithness Community Care Forumis in the process of preparing a scheme to provide assistance to elderly and disabled people with small jobs they find difficult or impossible to do themselves.  Any organisations who would like to give their views on how the project might help their members are asked to contact the Forum with their views or ideas.

E Scorrie Community Care Forum Newsletter
The latest newsletter from the Care Forum covers Invalid Care Allowance, Invalidity Benefit and the Orange Badge Scheme.

Links & News
The merging of our News Feeds with our Links Section goes on and updating news and links are being added every week.  Over 100 updating news categories are now available on which combined with our links will make it easier to find information on topics that interest you.  Remember our search engine now on most pages of the site will also find your topic, local group, link or news item.  New items take about two weeks to go into the search engine.  Links and News can be searched for in the community section or the whole of  Remember that some items are in the Music Section.

Castletown Heritage Museum
Autumn Newsletter

Eye On Swimming in Caithness Eye is now following this latest parents challenge against bureaucracy.  Another petition is now doing the rounds.  With all this democracy where was the consultation before the rules were changed?  Pens out everyone.

Rural Grants Home Ownership
If you live over 5 miles out with Wick or Thurso and you are having difficulty buying a house then you might want to check out this scheme.

Friday Night Club
If you are a young person with nothing to do on a Friday night then pop along to this club at the Baptist Church in Wick.  Open to anyone you will find games, snooker, table tennis and computers.  Something for everyone.  Starts 8.00pm every Friday night.

Auckengill Village Ceilidh Dance
Saturday 4th November
A traditional Ceilidh Supper Dance at the St Clare Hall.  Dance Band and Highland Dancers.  More details on Hall Page

Increasing Range of News  Feeds
The latest additions to our growing updating news sections are  The Guardian, ITN, The Economist, Advertising News.

Duathlon for Keep Fit Types
The Wick Triathalon Club started this even">Brilon in Germany and Hesdin in France twinned with Thurso and Klaksvik in the Faroe Islands twinned with Wick are here for a three day conference and visit.  A varied programme of presentations will conclude with a dance in Mackays Hotel in Wick.   This is a free dance to which all local people are invited.  "Deja Vu" will supply the music.

Low Pay and Employment Rights
If you are not sure of your rights check out our employment pages to get details of a new pack giving you all the fact sheets you require.

E Trinkie
Most Wick folk have been in the open air pool set against the rocks.  Once it was a busy place each summer whereas now only a few venture into the cold water to practice their swimming skills.  The pool is cleaned out each summer by volunteers and whitewashed.  The tide changes the water twice a day.

What's Happening at Wick Harbour
A few pictures of Wick harbour in a new page showing what happens around the harbour from time to time.

Caithness Voluntary Group
CVG held its Annual General Meeting last night.  The annual report and accounts were presented to a very good turnout.  copies available from CVG office.  A talk on capacity building grants from Lloyds/TSB Trust proved very popular with several groups taking application forms for assistance to peruse.  Details on this can still be obtained from Niall Smith.

Brims Family History
A book written about 100 years ago about the Brims family from Caithness has now been made available on the web.  You can download the book free from the web site.  It has lots of interesting information about Caithness history.

Cairn of Get - Garrywhin Fort
Some pictures from the last day of Archaeology events in Caithness from Archaeology Week.  The group had a dry day and saw a great range of interesting features including the Cairn of Get, Garrywhin Hill Fort, Site of the Wick Lybster railway track and station, Cairns, Broch, Lime Kiln, Warehouse, Standing Stone, Stone Rows, Hut Circles and many other details.

Free Church - Keiss
Today we bring you several pictures of Keiss.  These are located in A-Z Keiss, Free Church, Keiss Primary School.  These pictures will be added to in the future.  The area has a rich history with much evidence of ironage, neolithic & viking.

Nybster & Keiss Brochs
Some pictures from the afternoon led by Noel Jujut, archaeologist, Scottish Natural Heritage.  A very interesting afternoon with visitors and local people getting talks at both Brochs.  A blustery day added to the atmosphere and speculation of what it was like to live in these places in the Iron Age. The last Caithness day in the programme of events is on Sunday. Check the programme for full details.

Open University Places - Low Incomes
Wanted to a university course and could not afford it.  Check out this latest announcement if you are on a low income or benefits.

More Trees For Caithness?
A national initiative covering the UK but which has missed the Highlands may get a chance in Caithness.  Check it out if you have a group or are interested in Trees for Caithness.

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal in Caithness
This annual appeal is once again underway to help people in need in many countries.  Check it out on our Christmas Page.

More Links
Links are being added every week to the sections and updating news features are being integrated into many sections to keep you up to date on the latest on that topic.  The possibilities are endless.  For example we now have a new section for Quirky Web Sites and will be including the odd and unusual.  In the Bible Links you can now get updating news and even download a fully searchable copy of the bible for your desktop free.

More Scrabster Pictures in Today
Others places added in Photo Features

Trials for Microsoft Agent on is setting up trials for Microsoft Agent an ActiveX text-to-speech and voice-control application developed to allow voice interaction between user and web page.  The Business Pages will be the test area.  Niallwill advise on any difficulties in setting up the software and use the problems to build an FAQ.  Check it out if you want to try it out with us.  Anyone can try it out by following the instructions and information that will be appearing on the trial page in the business section.  See the announcement on the Message Board also.

Christmas In Caithness
If you are planning an event in the run up to Christmas then let everyone know on the web.  Just email or send us the details and we will add it to our What's On or our special Christmas In Caithness pages now building. Pantomimes, Plays, Carol Services, Santa Trips or any event connected with the season just let us know.  Email [email protected] with your information.

Petrol Prices
Although we have discontinued building information for petrol pages we thought you might like to be reminded that the next action by fuel protesters begins on 13th November.  We will keep the link to the protest site until the matter is resolved hopefully with lower fuel charges in the Highlands and elsewhere.  Meantime drive slowly to save fuel.

Lots of New Pictures in Photo Features
Bower, Castletown, Scrabster, Bower School, Castletown School, Castletown Church are among todays additions to the photo feature section.

"NATURA 2000":  Protecting Europe's Best Habitat & Species
EC DIRECTIVE 79/409 on the Conservation of Wild Birds.  This directive came out in 1992.  Does anyone know the outcome?

Thoughts On Clan Tartans
This article from Trudi Mann was included in the 1995 Caithness Field Club Bulletin.

Latheron Village Hall
The old hall has been demolished and a new one is under construction.  One final look at the old hall and we will bring you pictures of the new hall in the near future.

Cairns at Camster and Latheronwheel
Archaeology Week has stirred up plenty of activity around ancient settlements.  Groups have been visiting places in the company of archaeologists finding out the current theories and evidence.  Sunday's trip visited Camsterand Latheronwheel and ended up with a short lecture at Dunbeath Heritage Centre for lunch.  Polished axes, flints and other artifacts rarely on exhibition were available for inspection.

Harbours & Pier
The list has now been updated and there are now 14 harbours and piers listed mostly with pictures of the areas.  There are many more still to come as we get time.

Film News
Even more film news is now being pulled into via our updating news feed.  Up to date information on the latest films all day every day.  And if that's not enough then check out our new Entertainment Gossip Page also updating round the clock.

To increase our news available via many new additions have been made.  Over 80 News Feeds are now integrated in our pages.  Mainly these are being built into the links and information pages to enhance the links available.  News is now available on many topics from humour, politics , international and country specific.  Sports, religion, business and business are just some of the topics now in.  A complete listing is in our Newsfeeds Page

Caithness Eye Witness - Sinking of the Bismarck 1941
Richard Polanski's account of what he saw.  Caithness folk get everywhere. Breaking New Records
Here are a few of statistics for September as supplied by our server.  Many thanks to all our readers wherever you are.  Our email correspondence is bulging from all over the UK and abroad.  We love to hear from you and are interested in any suggestions for the web site.  Already October is on course to break September's record numbers. If you want to get more information about the site and Caithness in general every month then sign up in Listbot for our monthly email newsletter.

Paralympics 18 -29 October
Bill was in New York earlier this year and popped into the offices of We Media Magazine and  Well they are expanding their range of services for the disabled in all directions.  For the Paralympics they bring you live web casts and information straight from the games in Australia.  A great addition to our links section.

Airport - Gateway to Caithness
Another series of pictures in our A to Z of Caithness.  This is the fastest way into the north.  See the Caithness coast and fly over Old Wick Castle and see Wick Harbour from the air as well as the Highlands on the way. 

Health & Safety Links
We have updated our links to include children's safety information from two very reliable and comprehensive sources.  If you are responsible for children's trips then read this information.

Malthus, Ireland & the Highland Clearances
An interesting slant on the clearances from Geoff Leet.

A Search for Uranium In Caithness
This short article from Elaine Smith on the attempts to find uranium in the north.

Attention Voluntary Groups
Check the Fund Raising Links for a Fundraisng Search Engine for the UK.  Click Here to View it and remember it is located in our Funding links Page.

Maths and Science Links
We continue to add many links across the links section.  These highlighted topics have many links useful to teachers, parents but also include several which will be fun for children in many age groups.  Lots more coming over the next few weeks.  New sections being added weekly.

Holidays Sports Programme
Calling Caithness Kids to the Holiday Sports Programme from Tina Robinson the Sports Officer of Highland Council.  Tina has organised a series of sporting activities for the autumn holidays in various parts of the county.  Don't be bored get out and about.  Check the programme and parents get your children away from the TV and PC for a while.

Archaeology Week
A week of activities gets going on Sunday 15th at Camster led by Archaeologist Amelia Pannett and Paul Humphries.  An opportunity to get the low down on this haunting place.  Neolithic artefacts found in Caithness will be shown and several on loan including a polished macehead, polished axe and flint tools found during recent fieldwork. A lecture at Dunbeath Heritage Centre is included in the day.

New Orkney Web Site
Lots of Caithness people already listen to Radio Orkney.  Well now you can keep up with the news at The Orcadian newspaper web site.  We have added it to our massive newspaper links list.

Writing Workshops at Caithness Libraries
A prizewinning writer is touring the libraries in November to hold workshops and give advice to anyone interested in writing.  For adults and children a rare chance to get you work looked at by a successful writer.

Popular Music News
Just added to our continuously updating News Feature - A Popular Music Page.  We will be adding more links to the page.  Let us know if you have any favourites for inclusion.  Also our MP3 Music Page that updates throughout the day and night for free music to download from many sites.

Bands in Caithness
If you are a band in Caithness and want to get free pages then get in touch.  Why miss out on the opportunity to get on the web when's growing audience can listen to you or get information about where you are playing.

Women on The Web Links
Why not check into our Women on the Web links page from time to time to see what we have listed.  the links list is growing and we would be happy to include any other interesting or useful links on the page.  If you have a list so much the better.

Badminton, Squash and Table Tennis
The winter season is starting for many indoor sports groups.  why not check them out have some fun and get fitter.  A few details of the ones getting going are on the sports news page.  Check out the listings for other groups in your area.

by Brian Harris, ex Chief Engineer with Shell.  How Shell Tankers started and were named.

Winter Programme - Field Club

Cairn Housing Association
Cairn housing Association celebrates 25 years.

Thurso Gala 2000 Revisited
Its a fine blustery, rainy old day today so we thought we would go back to Thurso Gala for a few pictures taken by another photographer. Anyone with any other pictures of the other village galas in Caithness give us a buzz.

Thurso Raft Race in August
Pictures from the race on a wet day but the competitors were always going to get wet especially if they sank.

The Shielings Summer Camps
by Gordon Wilson - Caithness Field Club
The summer camps which were vital to the early northern croft economy.

The Atlantic Salmon
Ever wondered how they get here.  Then read this.

Eurasian Otter
A short article about this rarely seen creature.

Caithnessians and Rudolph Hess
Amazing how lives touch and this little true piece of wartime experience shows just how Caithness people's lives were criss-crossing the paths of history.

Highland Dancers Competition
More pictures from the competition on 2 September.  Sorry we could not get to it earlier.  18 pictures now.  More coming later tonight.  And Here is the last of them 8.30pm
Total - Three Pages of Pictures One, Two, Three

More New Links Sections
New types of web sites are changing things yet again on the web.  If you have not heard of Weblogs or seen what's going on in Internet Radio then get on over to our pages and have a look around.  New USA Elections News Page with links about government in USA.

Broch Near Auckengill
With new moves to promote Caithness archaeology sites like the broch near Auckengill may become more widely known. 

Artillery Batteries at Castletown & Mey
Another article from the Caithness Field Club Archives.

Business Pages
The Business Pages update has now been completed.  Every page in the section has now been upgraded.  Advertising is now available throughout the business section.  Get in touch if you have particular requirements.

New Updating Astronomy News

Student Nurses Project
If you have come from another country to live in Caithness you can help three nurses to get information on problems of living in the Highlands.  Check out the page to get more details.

Message Board
The Message board has been split into two sections - general and Genealogy and Missing Persons to make it easier to find those topics as more information goes in.  Further splits will be considered.

Grey Coast Theatre

More Triathlon Pictures now in
Three pages and lots of pictures of Sunday's event now in.

Caithness Junior Triathlon
This was the third year of the Junior Triathalon.


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